Forms of Custom Cannabis Packaging Containers

custom cannabis packaging

Custom cannabis packaging comes in various forms. Each caters to specific needs, regulatory requirements, and brand aesthetics. Understanding what each form entails will make choosing the best packaging for your brand easy. 

Below are the three distinct forms of custom cannabis packaging with examples.

#1. Rigid Custom Cannabis Packaging

Rigid packaging is famous for its sturdy and durable nature. It generally uses cardboard, wood, glass, or high-density plastics. These materials provide excellent protection for the product within. 

Examples of rigid custom cannabis packaging are glass jars and wooden boxes. 

#2. Semi-rigid custom Cannabis Packaging

Semi-rigid packaging strikes a balance between durability and flexibility. Materials like molded plastics, paperboard, or combinations are often used. With this form of packaging, you get versatility and suitability for a wide range of cannabis products. 

Moreover, semi-rigid custom cannabis packaging provides ample space for branding elements. This gives you the room to create visually appealing designs.

Another feature of this packaging category is its flexibility. The materials used allow for ease of transportation. 

Examples of semi-rigid custom cannabis packaging are plastic bottles/jars. 

#3. Flexible Cannabis Custom Cannabis Packaging

Flexible custom cannabis packaging is characterized as being pliable. The materials are lightweight and offer a barrier against external elements. As such, you can use this packaging form to store dried flowers, edibles, and smaller items. 

Moreover, their lightweight nature makes transportation easy. Examples of flexible custom cannabis packaging are mylar bags, foil pouches, and vacuum pouches. 


The choice of custom cannabis packaging has to be strategic. It needs to center around the kind of product you intend to package. With the right custom cannabis packaging option, you can adequately store your product. Also, using the most suitable cannabis packaging ensures a positive user experience.